
Dominique Fernandez in Nafplion

Lecture by French academic and writer Dominique Fernandez in Nafplion

The Municipality of Nafplion, in collaboration with the French Embassy, ​​the French Institute in Greece and the Theatre Studies Department of the University of Peloponnese hosting in Nafplion on Saturday May 14 2016 the great French writer and academic Dominique Fernandez, who will give lecture with theme: Mediterranean: riches and risks of a crossover culture ".

The lecture will be held in the Public Library "Palamedes' in Nafplion, at 7.00 pm Saturday, coordinated by the Cultural Attaché of the French Embassy in Greece, Mrs. Marie-Christine Vandoorne

The lecture by Dominique Fernandez, based on personal experience of the author for a passion that aims to be objective, performed in French (The translation will make the famous Greek writer Philip Drakontaeidis).


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